How to Be a REAL Success

DEVELOP THE ABILITY TO WORK WITH PEOPLE- People are inspired by and desire to be like great leaders yet become overwhelmed by the perceived knowledge needed to learn the skill of leadership.

How to Be A REAL Success
R- Relationships
E- Equipping
A- Attitude
L- Leadership

Success is: knowing your purpose in life; growing to your maximum potential; sowing the seeds that benefit others. It is a rather simple recipe yet requires awareness, study, practice and mentoring to achieve.

The Four Elements to Success-

Relationships: Love and accept yourself. The only relationship in your life that is continual and therefore most important, is with yourself. The first person you learn to get along with is you.

Equipping: Great leaders grow their visions from “ME” to “WE.” People fail to equip others due to the energy required, the underestimation of others’ abilities, the enjoyment of completing tasks ourselves, the need to strengthen the ego by being needed, the habit of doing everything, the need to be in control and the inability to notice leadership potential in those around us.

Attitude: Our attitude is a choice. It determines our approach to life. It can turn our problems into blessings. Taking inventory of our attitude allows us to grow and foster an environment to empower and equip those around us while also nurturing our inner leadership skills.

Leadership: The Law of the Lid states that leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The Law of the Process states that leaders develop daily and not in a day. Leadership takes time and energy to develop. We overestimate the event and we underestimate the process. The secret to becoming a successful leader is discovered in your daily agenda.

To Become a REAL Success-

It is imperative to RELATE to others better as you understand relational rules. Adding values to people helps them to reach their full potential.

Recognizing and building on the leadership potential in those around you and applying teamwork laws will help you take others to a higher level by EQUIPPING them with the proper skill sets.

Improving your ATTITUDE through daily practices, understanding the affect your attitude has on you and those around you, and adopting an attitude that makes challenges easier to overcome is key to your success.

By emulating what successful leaders do to remain at the top, LEADING others successfully to where you have gone and beyond, and influencing others from the heart and not just the head is the remaining piece of the puzzle for REAL success.

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