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January 9, 2019

Change Catalysts: Creating A Basis For Real Change This Year

Tired of being stuck? Tired of not seeing the results of good growth? Challenges and blessings can be the things that move you forward. Sometimes our challenges come from the outside, sometimes our challenges come from our own behavioral consequences, and sometimes it’s both. Here are some reasons that, with some help, can create motivation and real change in our personal and work life.

1. My old ways of doing things are no longer working for me.

autumn autumn colours autumn leaves blur

How can we take advantage of change?

2. I have been traumatized by one of life’s curveballs and as a function of that disorientation and sense of impotence I am open to a new ways.

3. I reached one of life’s milestones and it’s a shock to my system so I’m questioning the status quo and questioning my life.

4. I just experienced what to me feels like a major failure and I feel compelled to question my preconceived, notions, assumptions and values.

5. I’ve been exposed to an important role model whose success strategies are clearly different and more effective than my own in a number of areas.

6. I was rushed into a major stress roll at work and was much more successful than I imagined. I’m beginning to see myself in a new light.

7. I’ve just received feedback that I’ve never heard before and it’s really jolted me so I had to take a look at myself and reexamine who I thought I was.

8. I was stuck in the self defeating loop of behavioral excess and it’s caught up with me. I really hurt myself and that’s irrational.

9. Someone saw me as an underachiever and took it upon themselves to be my Dr. Henry Higgins from My Fair Lady and polish me up.

10. It is become evident that I am paying a price for my inertia or lack of momentum. There would be a handsome benefit to changing and only further cost to stay in the same.

11. I am finding myself in organizational environment that promotes and rewards stretching and changing.

12. Circumstances cause me to fashion a contract with myself, establish goals and draw a plan of action- all of which are vectoring me in the direction that, heretofore, I have been unable to travel.

13. My organization established precise performance expectations and then creates lines of sight between these expectations and our recognition and reward system. As a result I’m able to accomplish things I’ve never been able to achieve and want to do more.

Whether a blessing or a challenge all these ideas can help start a growth process. Getting help to exploit this process is key to creating a great year and beyond.

Kit Hill, Ed.D.

Director, The New Life Group, Pleasant Hill Founding Partner & Exec. Coach – J… See more